Here's How:
2. Find a box that will be long enough to fit the width of your measurement
(don't forget to include the 3 inch return on EACH end.)
3. Next cut the box down one corner, open it up and lay flat. You
need to decide how tall (top to bottom) you want the cornice to be. I
usually make mine about 10 inches tall. Measure and mark the length and
height on the box and cut this out with a utility knife.
4. Measure and mark from each end of the box the 3 inches you need for
the return and bend the box on this mark.
5. Use the following "scientific method" to scallop my the bottom edge of the cornice. Lay a plate at
the bottom of the box and then trace along the curve of the plate up about 3
inches on both sides. Then, move the plate over, mark the curve, move over, mark - until you reach the end of the box. If you look carefully at my cornice the
scallops aren't even from both ends but no one seems to notice.
6. Be sure to have the ends of the box bent before you attach batting. Useng a staplegun to attach batting to the cornice. Attach fabric in the same manner. Be sure to match the pattern if your fabric isn't wide enough to cover the entire box.
7. Attach curtain rod to cardboard with liquid nails. I held mine in place
to dry w/clothespins.
8. Mount as you would a normal curtain treatment.
Marsha Brummel is an avid do-it-yourself decorator who was kind enough to write this article for The Everyday Decorator. Marsha can be reached via email for questions and comments at: